BA – OpenLab
BA School of Business and Finance – OpenLab (BA OpenLab) is a place to grow up for young entrepreneurs and leaders, going through different stages of development:
The strategic objective of BA OpenLab is to prepare students for innovative business, based on cooperation with academic staff and business partners, as well as other private or public bodies interested in developing the creative and entrepreneurial skills of students.
BA OpenLab is a place where students and others, school-related innovators, meet in mind storms, discussions, seminars, and creative workshops to generate new ideas and introduce them into life. Students are given the opportunity to work on teams, develop their own innovative ideas and take the first steps in their implementation, engagement with partners, and funding. Ideas like this can occur both in the hackathons we organize and in the course of study.
BA OpenLab Activities:
- participating in the implementation of higher education programmes;
- generate creative ideas for university students, professors, and employees;
- address current business challenges in partnership with students, lecturers, employees, business representatives;
- supporting the creation of start-ups and the creation of innovative products;
- carry out financial, risk management, and business mentoring;
- organize discussions on current business issues;
- encourage the participation of students in cross-disciplinary student activities;
- to provide advice and other public services within the framework of the competence of the laboratory;
- develop a discussion environment in Latvia and internationally on topics relevant to laboratory specialization.
Everyone has the opportunity to follow our public FB page “Banku augstskola – OpenLab” and be part of us, participating in the “OpenLab Talks” series, which takes place both in meetings with BA alumni and in learning from their experience and stories of real business life, and in hearing about personalities in the growth, creative thinking, financial markets, and other important spotlights the spots shared by the guest lecturers.