March 15th
Donation Campaign “Support to the refugees from Ukraine at BASBF”
With this Campaign, BA School of Business and Finance (BASBF) and the Fund set up at BASBF invites every student, employee, graduate and co-operation partner of BASBF to donate to the variety of Ukrainian refugee support activities in which BASBF has been participating since the first days of the war, BASBF addresses this Call also to the wider audience in Latvia and abroad who is following BASBF activities to contribute to the support of Ukraine.
The aim of the Campaign is to support students, academic staff and researchers from Ukraine as refugees for studies, job opportunities at BASBF as well as to support accommodation at the Hotel, and psychological support.
It aims at supporting Ukrainian families who need their place of residence in Latvia during the initial period of stay, providing an accommodation at BASBF Hotel, the supply of essential goods and psychological support.
We invite to donate to the BASBF Fund by indicating the donation aim: Support to the refugees from Ukraine at BASBF.
Bank account details:
Nodibinājums “Banku augstskolas fonds”
AS SEB Banka
K.Valdemara iela 161, Riga, LV-1013, Latvia
Together we can Help.
March 2nd
We condemnent the ongoing Russian invasion in Ukraine. BASBF currently provides moral and material support as long as it’s possible to do so to its counterparts and partners in Ukraine, as well as the first civilians – refugees from the war zone are already being admitted to the BA student hotel in Riga that have arrived from Ukraine.
We have created an internal support system within BASBF, a coordination network in which we provide our assistance – we have a contact for coordinating reception, on-call and technical support at the student hotel and a coordinator for receiving assistance from the Ministry of Economics, the Riga City Council and other institutions. If necessary, we also provide IT advice, security and psychological support.
!! At the present, a voluntary team of 25 students has been set up in BA School of Business and Finance who are expecting Ukrainian refugees and brings the necessary items – food, medicine and other products.
Our administrative staff donated money so on the first day they could buy products and medicine, provide available information and a shoulder of psychological support. Our students actively show support. The established system also allows Ukrainian students and scientists to be admitted to studies and work at BA School of Business and Finance. Our lecturers would analyse the current processes with students and develop their analysis and create new, effective scenarios for crisis management. This time needs to be used to improve our skills to act systemically in crisis situations. This can be useful for us in the near and distant future.
BASBF has also called on international partners to play an active role and has informed the Russian partner-schools of the termination of cooperation. We believe that the academic world must actively continue to express its position on peace and sustainable development in the world: https://www.undp.org/sustainable-development-goals
These days have been challenging to all who are prepared to offer their assistance to Ukraine in Latvia, because our state aid system for Ukrainian refugees is only being developed so that everything goes politically and legally correctly and looks forward to the future. It takes time. There are timely identified areas to be developed in the reception of refugees that we are informing the responsible authorities about so that these processes are more effective from the point of view of the national system.
#stopwar #StandWithUkraine
Article of February 25th
As a higher education institution of the Republic of Latvia, the BA School of Business and Finance (BASBF) condemns the war in Ukraine and calls for all forms of support to the Ukrainian people!
We call on all academics in the World to do everything to put an end to this war in this 21st century Europe!
Rector of BA School of Business and Finance, Dr. Līga Peiseniece:
“The main task of BASBF at this point is to activate the actions of students – to stand for peace, democracy and freedom. For the right of self-determination of all nations around the World. We are protecting the freedom of Europe today by advocating for the freedom of Ukraine, and we are protecting ourselves! We believe that besides of letters of support and compassion for Ukraine today, we need to provide real support – places of residence for refugees, work and studies for young people. We at BASBF are currently looking at what we can do both as a university and as individuals to help and guard our shared values – FREEDOM AND PEACE IN EUROPE!”
How can we help Ukraine?
By supporting symbolically: in a public information space and outdoors. Raise the Ukrainian flag, use Ukraine’s national symbols on social media and other tools. The BASBF will also invite its international partners to express their support for the freedom of Ukraine!
By supporting emotionally: actively expressing views, explaining what is happening to fellow people, participating in civil responsibility measures – emphasising that such support should not be linked to condemnation of any other nation, on the contrary, calling for the consolidation of people of all nationalities to safeguard peace in Europe.
By donating blood: https://www.vadc.lv/en
By donating money: https://www.ziedot.lv/en/stand-with-ukraine-4203
By supporting with accomodation: BASBF hotel/dormitories will be transferred for use to accommodate potential refugees in cooperation with the Ministry of Ecomony (50 seats).
By supporting with study offers: we’re looking into ways for Ukrainian young people to join our study groups, who had their studies interrupted in Ukraine.
By supporting financially: we’re looking into state-funded study opportunities for students from Ukraine.
By supporting with cyber-security expertise: Let’s build remote counselling and vebinars. Let us share our experience and knowledge!
PROTECT YOURSELF and your cyberspace – be careful and CRITICAL of publicly available information. Rely ONLY on verified sources of information! Don’t spread fake news and rumours.
We believe in the power of Ukraine and express our full support for Ukraine and its nation!
We believe in the power of academic socety all around the World that will actively take a stand for peace!