Students win 2nd and 3rd place in EUROWEEK project


Euroweek – an academic student conference held annually in a different European city, organized by Prime Networking and the host university. This year Euroweek 2023 was organized by the Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences in Brandenburg, Germany in the last week of April, tells Antra Vegnere, who along with study mates Mareks Dinga, Sigita Balts-Baltina and Baiba Stroza, lecturers of BA School of Business and Finance Eduards Aksjonenko and Kristaps Lesinskis, as well as Project Manager for International Relations Sandra Kraze participated in the Euroweek 2023 in Brandenburg. Mareks and Antra’s team won the 2nd place and title “Best paper” in the Euroweek 2023 with their research project “Can new technologies save tourism?”, and Baiba and Sigita’s team with their research Sustainable business model innovation” won the 3rd place and title “Best Paper”! Congratulations!

Mareks Dinga and Antra Vegnere will tell more about the work, experience in the team, project and the impressions:

Firstly, I gained tremendous experience working with people from 3 different countries – Latvia, Norway and Germany, because we created the international Euroweek project “Can  new technologies save tourism?” in English and with motivated teammates, resulting in such a high result. The last (concluding) week for this project was also rich in emotion and experience. I gained valuable stage experience by performing for an audience of several countries, as well as reducing my weaknesses, such as stress for a large audience. In general, I could only call and call the benefits that anyone can gain by participating in Euroweek.

Photo: from the personal archive

Secondly, there is such an opportunity for these types of projects to establish contacts with students from other countries, which may be useful for future business, advertising or any form of assistance/cooperation. Although the week ran very quickly, I still managed to make friends and exchange contacts, with a lot of people (including outside the team). I can’t describe my feelings in words! In short, I felt like at a business conference, both because of the importance of the content of the project and because of the atmosphere that was this week. That, too, was one of the points that gave insight and practice into the business world.

I will conclude by saying that it was a pleasure to work in this kind of team, because all the (6) people put in the same amount of work and we did everything in time, both in developing Project Abstract and in developing Project Paper and, of course, the final presentation. Each had different sources of information, counseling people and experiences that when we put together we got to the result. In particular, Antra and I already had experience with VR glasses, because the previous year there was a separate course on technology at the university, as well as a lecturer giving us some advice specifically for this project.

Photo: from the personal archive

A huge thank you also to Eduards Aksjonenko and the lecturers of the other students who gave us this opportunity to work together and supported us throughout the project, Mareks shares.

Photo: from the personal archive

Our team consisted of 6 students from Latvia, Norway, and Germany. Before going to Brandenburg, we worked for 4 months on our research project – Can new technologies save tourism? It took a lot of energy, discipline, and perseverance to prepare for the opportunity to meet in person and present our research.

Photo: from the personal archive

 Our research was evaluated with an honourable 2nd place as “Best Paper”, which gave satisfaction for every hour spent on this project. The experience I gained is unforgettable and indescribable.

Photo: from the personal archive

 I would like to say a big thank you to the BA School of Business and Finance for the opportunity to participate. I have learned a lot about myself, about working in a team, about cooperation with representatives of other countries, as well as the knowledge that will help me reach new heights of challenges.

 I am very grateful that my team and I had the opportunity to work with such knowledgeable, motivating, and responsive teachers. We would not have obtained this honourable assessment without them, so I would like to express my immense gratitude for the energy and time invested by the lecturers, especially Eduard Aksjoņenko from the BA School of Business and Finance, shares Antra.

Students Sigita Balts-Baltin and Baiba Stroza in the Euroweek project worked in a different team, here is their short experience story:

Photo: from the personal archive

We had the opportunity to participate in the international project “Euroweek 2023”, which took place in Brandenburg. As part of the project,  in cooperation with other students from Spain and Austria we developed a scientific paper. After finishing the work, all project participants met in Brandenburg, where we prepared for the big presentation to show what we had done to the jury and other participants. The work was challenging and time-consuming to create, but it was worth the effort, as the experience gained from both writing and spending a week preparing for the big day was invaluable. In addition to the experience gained while writing the paper, we met amazing colleagues with whom we worked and rested together. As a result, the jury awarded our article Sustainable business model innovation”  with 3rd place and title “Best Paper”.

Photo: from the personal archive

We definitely recommend using the opportunity for other students to participate in Euroweek and other projects offered by the BA school of business and finance!