Researchers of the BA School of Business and Finance, assistant professors Janis Hermanis, Kristaps Lesinskis, and Professor Inese Mavlutova have been working on the project “Knowledge Alliance of Business idea Assessment: Digital Approach” (KABADA) since November 2019. The aim of the project was to develop a new, innovative tool (based on artificial intelligence) that would automatically support business start-ups in assessing their business idea and business plan, as well as provide recommendations for further actions.
The results, which will be based on research, in close cooperation between higher education institutions and industry, as well as on knowledge transfer at the international level, will be freely available to anyone interested in getting their business idea evaluated and recommended. They will also be used in entrepreneurship education to develop relevant study courses.
Towards the end of the project, the project team is organizing two events on January 19th and 27th:
Everyone is invited to the free webinar “Have a taste of KABADA: create your free business plan now”, which will take place online on January 19th, 16:00-17:25 (CET) on the Zoom platform.
Webinar program:
16.00 – Opening speech by Valentin De Vico (Communications Manager, Skillman Team)
16.05 – Jānis Hermanis: “What is the KABADA tool?” (Assistant Professor, BA School of Business and Finance, Project Manager)
16.15 – Kristaps Lešinskis: “KABADA tool demo: how the tool actually works” (Assistant Professor, BA School of Business and Finance)
16.35 – “Have a taste of KABADA: let’s create your business plan!”
17.15 – Comments, Q&A session
17.25 – Closing remarks
Register: here!
More information:
Project “Knowledge Alliance of Business idea Assessment: Digital Approach” (KABADA) final conference “Start off your business on the right foot”
Students, academic staff, cooperation partners, and business enthusiasts! We invite you to attend the final conference of the project “Knowledge Alliance of Business idea Assessment: Digital Approach” (KABADA) “Start off your business on the right foot”, which will take place on January 26th 2023 at the BA School of Business and Finance.
The conference will be held in three parts:
- In the first part, the project researchers will present and talk about the implementation process of the KABADA digital tool, their experience in using the tool and recommendations on how to use the KABADA tool more effectively when developing your business plan.
- The second part will be a series of parallel workshops to discuss the use of the KABADA tool in higher, secondary and vocational education and in business counselling for adults. The panellists will be Dulce Matos, Eva Abramuszkinová Pavlíková, Rem Grinstein, Giovanni Crisonà and Janis Hermanis. Moderators – Kristaps Lesinskis, Inga Uvarova and Juris Riekstins.
- The third part will be introduced by a speech from the Latvian Ministry of Education and Science. After the keynote speeches, two roundtable discussions will take place – “Challenges and benefits of project implementation” and “KABADA principles applied to the future of education – Skillman Alliance Summit”.
Full program*:
9:15 – 10:00 | Registration, coffee, tea | |
Plenary session | Conference hall | |
10:00 – 10:05 | Welcome and Introduction | |
10:05 – 10:15 | Welcome by rector of BASBF, Līga Peiseniece | |
10:15 – 10:40 | Story of KABADA, Jānis Hermanis, Banku augtskola, LV | |
10:40 – 10:55 | Giovanni Crisonà, Skillman Network – Filippo Del Ninno, ETF | |
10:55 – 11:10 | Self-reflection on entrepreneurship experience and the role of Kabada tool. A case study from MENDELU, Eva Abramuszkinová Pavlíková, Mendel University in Brno, CZ | |
11:10 – 11:25 | Experience and feedback of the users when testing Kabada tool, Dulce Matos Coelho, Polytechnic Institute of Setubal, PT | |
11:25 – 11:40 | Artificial Intelligence – Integral Part of today’s Instructional Technology, Juris Riekstiņš, ArtSmart, LV | |
11:40 – 12:10 | Coffee/Tea break | |
Parallel workshops | ||
12:10 – 13:40 | Future usage of KABADA in higher education (moderators Kristaps Lešinskis, Dulce Matos, Eva Abramuszkinová Pavlíková) | Conference hall |
12;10 – 13:40 | Future usage of KABADA in secondary and vocational education (moderators Inga Uvarova, Giovanni Crisonà, Jānis Hermanis) | Room 204 |
12;10 – 13:40 | Future usage of KABADA in business consultancy, adult and self directed learning (moderators Juris Riekstiņš, Altum, ENTRI) | Room 205 |
13:40 – 14:30 | Buffet lunch | |
14:30 – 14:40 | Speech from the Latvian Ministry of Education | |
14:40 – 15:20 | Roundtable discussion. Challenges and benefits of project implementation (Moderator: Eduards Aksjoņenko) | Conference hall |
15:20 – 16:00 | Roundtable discussion. KABADA principles applied to the future of education – Skillman Alliance Summit. Moderator: Giovanni Crisonà. | |
16:00 – 16:30 | Conclusion, Q & A |
*small changes possible
Register here:
More about KABADA: