Professional international qualification


Since 2013 BA School of Business and Finance has received international accreditation providing the status of a Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) Centre. The BASBF has the right to offer professional international qualification as a customized study Module (micro-credential), accredited within the study direction: Economics.

The Module offered at BASF is integrated into the Bachelor’s Study program “Finance”, which differentiates it from other Bachelor study programs.

The study Module provides additional professional qualification of a Financial Manager that complies with international quality standards approved by SQA, UK. Financial Management qualification was rated on the Scottish Qualifications Framework, Level 9, SQA, UK. That means that the awarded qualification of a Financial Manager corresponds to a Bachelor level on European Qualifications Framework (EQF), level 6.

During the study process, BASBF students have the opportunity to apply for and acquire additional certificate with a qualification of a Financial Manager on a successful completion of the Module.

The Module as alone standing study module is accessible to a wide public who have appropriate prerequisites.

The acquired qualification has a positive impact on the career development of the graduates and could be used for building knowledge through portfolio in prior learning and recognition. Ārpus formālās izglītības kompetenču atzīšana (in latvian)