First Rector of BASBF Baiba Brigmane – Officer of The Order of the Three Stars


After less than a month, the 33rd anniversary of the Restoration of Independence of the Republic of Latvia will be celebrated on May 4th and, as every year, the highest Latvian State awards – The Order of the Three Stars (Triju Zvaigžņu ordenis), The Order of Viesturs (Viestura ordenis), and The Cross of Recognition (Atzinības krusts) will be awarded for 105 representatives of society on this festive day by the decisions of the President and the Chapter of Orders of 4th of April. BA School of Business and Finance’s first Rector and Assistant Professor Dr. paed. Baiba Brigmane will be receiving the award of The Order of the Three Stars for special merit for the Latvian state. Our Sincere congratulations to Dr. paed. Baiba Brigmane with the title “Officer of The Order of the Three Stars”! BA School of Business and Finance is proud!

Everyone will be able to watch the awards ceremony live on Channel 1 of Latvijas Televizija at 15:30, which will take place at the Riga Palace.

BA School of Business and Finance was originally founded as the Banking College in 1992, of which Baiba Brigmane became director on June 15, 1992.

The nineties of the last century were a time when Latvia urgently needed professional specialists for the rapidly growing financial sector, getting rid of the Soviet style of work and mindset. Apparently, Ms. Brigmanes’ deep understanding of the need for specialists in line with the evolving trends of the restored country and her clear vision of what a financial education institution that could prepare them should be was the determining factor why she was invited to the post of director of the newly founded Banking College in 1992.

On 30 December 1997, BA School of Business and Finance was established on the basis of the Banking College and the Bank of Latvia Academy. On 18 May 1998, the Constitution of BA School of Business and Finance was adopted. The first President, deputy, secretary of the Constitutional Assembly, as well as the first rector of the BA School of Business and Finance – Baiba Brigmane, who was approved as rector by the order of the Cabinet Cabinet of Ministers No. 572 of the Republic of Latvia on December 8, 1999.

Ms. Brigmanes’ emphasis on close cooperation with the financial sector and integration of its needs into education programmes has resulted in the name of BA School of Business and Finance being found year after year at the head of top 5 universities recommended by the Employers’ Confederation of Latvia. Latvia’s financial system is currently unthinkable without graduates from BA School of Business and Finance. Many of them have become financial and business experts valued in Latvia and internationally. A significant proportion of bank employees working in Latvia are students and graduates of BA School of Business and Finance.

Ms. Brigmane is a Latvian patriot. She comes from Aluksne, where she grew up in the family of teachers, school principals and music teachers. Although after the studies of economics she has connected her further life with Riga, she has maintained her love for Latvia’s countryside in her heart.

Few of us know about Ms. Brigmanes’ relations with the restoration of the Mazpulku movement after Latvia’s independence and that she is the creator of concept for the Ministry of Agriculture’s  yearly award “Sējējs”. This award promotes Latvian and national self-awareness and has become one of the most important awards for rural people and all those who care about rural development in Latvia over the years.

Dr. Liga Peiseniece, rector of BA School of Business and Finance: “We are grateful to the first Rector Baiba Brigmane for setting up BA School of Business and Finance, university’s strong foundations and high demands for students and staff. All of this has shaped us into a strong university – relentless, able to change quickly, able to quickly create new programs needed for the financial sector, new approaches and retain the mission of the BA School of Business and Finance: “BA School of Business and Finance provides excellent financial and business education for dedicated personalities. Our high reputation is ensured by quality studies, research and international cooperation, professional and creative staff, student and graduate achievements, close cooperation with the financial and business world.”