BA School of Business and Finance graduation ceremony 2019


On 21 June 2019, graduation ceremony of BA School of Business and Finance took place. We congratulate professional higher education, professional bachelor’s and professional master’s degree program graduates!

Pictures from the event are available for download.

BA School of Business and Finance was graduated by 250 students, 23 of whom were professional higher education graduates, 158 professional bachelor and 68 professional master graduates and one doctoral level graduate.

The graduates were given greeting speeches from BA School of Business and Finance Rector Andris Sarnovičs, Study Prorector Līga Peiseniece, and Vice President of SBS Swiss Business School Marijana Karanfiloska.

Special appreciation was given for 7 graduates for an excellent bachelor and master thesis: “Innovation and Product Development in Business” graduate Kadija Valdemāre, “Risk Management and Insurance” graduate Kristiāns Kuzmovs, “International Finance” graduates Krista Āboliņa, Janīna Juškeviča, Roberta Mūrniece, Katrīna Lea Prince and “International Finance and Banking Activities” graduate Ilze Vilka.

The musical greeting was provided by BA School of Business and Finances choir “Monēta”.

Hosts of the event: Zane Zablovska and Kristaps Jēkabsons.