BA School of Business and Finance (BASBF) is honoured to announce that it was awarded with CEEMAN International Quality Accreditation in July, 2020.
Andris Sarnovics, Professor, Rector of BA School of Business and Finance announces:
“Through the CEEMAN IQA process BA School of Business and Finance has the opportunity to demonstrate a strong commitment to continuous quality improvement of its governance.
The study programmes are future focused and aim at educating next generation leaders in management, finance, cybersecurity and fintech. We are proud of our dedicated staff, the achievements of our students and graduates. The key to our success lies in a collaborative performance of all our personnel that has led to a prestigious international accreditation.
We acknowledge the valuable experience gained through the international peer review process during CEEMAN IQA that encourages our engagement in further quality enhancement.
CEEMAN IQA Accreditation status facilitates BASBF international recognition and membership of international research teams and academic networks. It will foster quality enhancement, national and international recognition of our study programmes and new partnerships worldwide. It will enhance significantly our contribution to further development of business education and its research”.
The international accreditation acknowledges that BASBF is ready for tomorrow’s challenges that business schools face today and offers personalized learning experience to its students through numerous international projects that form an indispensable part of our 16 Bachelor, Master and a Doctoral study programmes. Study process is developed in close partnership with industry meeting the needs of digitally immersed students by preparing professional, confident and ethical team members and leaders.
Accreditation status for BASBF is granted until July 2026. Official awarding ceremony will be held at the 28th CEEMAN Annual Conference in September of 2020.
CEEMAN IQA process co-funded by ESF project No. “Support to a better governance system at BA School of Business and Finance”.
About BA School of Business and Finance
BA School of Business and Finance was founded in 1992 as a Banking College of the Bank of Latvia and established as a higher education institution “Banku Augstskola” in 1997. Formally, it was included in the education registry on December 22, 1999, and in the Registry of scientific institutions on February 2, 2016. Today it implements 16 accredited professional study programmes in 2 directions: the study direction “Economics” and the study direction” Management, administration and real estate management” at Bachelor, Master and a Doctoral level, as well as carries out scientific and research activities.
BASBF implements a strategic approach to a sustainable development and has set its priorities that will allow to achieve more fully its stated mission for the strategic period between 2018-2023.To achieve a positive contribution to the modernization of study programmes, BASBF has made a shift of focus to new forms of management education. A new vision reflects continuous efforts to integrate in the study programmes the understanding of new business models and platform economy. In addition, digital mind set and digital skills development has been facilitated in the study programmes. BASBF places its main emphasis on ensuring excellent quality of learning and teaching, as well as in its research.
The strive for quality is evidenced by various awards that BASBF has received over the years to signify its constant quality improvement and that it meets high internationally recognized standards.
BASBF received Diploma Supplement Label in 2011, and is the only higher education institution in Latvia that also holds ECTS Label, awarded by European Commission in 2013. In 2013 BASBF was accredited as an institutional Centre by Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), UK gaining the rights to offer in addition to a Bachelor’s degree also an internationally recognized qualification in Financial Management. The qualification is also rated on Scottish Qualification Framework Credit Rating on a Bachelor’s level. Moreover, BASBF has obtained „Investors in Excellence” Quality Management Certificate by the British Quality Foundation for Quality Management Excellence model which led to the award of the “Investors in Excellence” Quality certificate for the fifth time issued in March, 2019. Apart from that international study programme survey Eduniversal rating being a global ranking and rating agency specializing in higher education has rated BASBF among 1000 best recognized as a good national business school among 154 business schools worldwide.
International study programmes provide a unique opportunity to obtain also the diploma of the Swiss Business School (SBS) while studying in Latvia. Graduates of the programmes get two diplomas within one programme at both Bachelor’s and Master’s levels. They acquire the qualifications of a financier from BASBF and a business manager from SBS, simultaneously offering the opportunity to receive 2 qualifications and a double diploma issued by BASBF and Swiss Business School- SBS.
Future focused study programmes have been developed jointly with other universities in Latvia. In 2018 BASBF signed a Strategic Partnership Agreement with Riga Technical University (RTU) for cooperation in studies, science and innovation. BASBF has so far implemented a number of joint RTU projects – a joint professional Bachelor’s study programme “Financial Management Information Systems”, in which financial systems software developers will be prepared in cooperation with the most recognized financial and information technology professionals of the sectors represented by the two universities. This study programme educates interdisciplinary specialists in both fields, that of IT and Finance.
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A joint doctoral study programme “Business Administration” launched in 2006 is implemented in cooperation with RISEBA University of Applied Sciences (Latvia) and key strategic partners SSE Riga (Latvia) and Kaizerslautern University of Applied Sciences (Germany).
Taking into consideration the recent challenges in the labour market, employability skills have become of a great importance, thus BASBF pays special attention to the relationship building with the industry. Since BASBF implements professional higher education study programmes, the collaboration with employers ensures that BASBF delivers quality study programmes needed for the sustainable growth of the economy.
In 2020 as a direct response to the needs of the rapidly changing environment, BASBF launched a new study programme” Business Process Management” which focuses on the education of next-generation leaders in the management of business processes.
The valuable experience gained through the international peer review process during CEEMAN IQA encourages the engagement of BASBF in further quality enhancement. The award of CEEMAN International Quality Accreditation by CEEMAN Accreditation Committee in July 2020 demonstrates a clear vison towards tomorrow’s challenges that business schools face.