BA School of Business and Finance expands cooperation with Latin America


Rector of BA School of Business and Finance (Latvia)  L.Peiseniece, PhD and president of Universidad Nacional de Rafaela (Argentina) Ruben Andres Ascua, PhD recently signed a Momerandum of Cooperation for 5 year time. The purpose of the Agreement is cooperative interactions between both institutions that will strengthen academic entities of both institutions. 

 In other words, the cooperation between the two higher education institutions means:  

  • exchange of information and academic materials; 
  • visits by and exchange of research, teaching and other staff; 
  • visits by ad exchange of students and faculty; 
  • coordination to deliver instruction for designated degree programs; 
  • development of collaborative research and other projects; 
  • organization of joint academic activities such as lectures, seminars, conferences, symposia, short training courses and modules of interest to both Universities 

This cooperation will also be a great way for students of both sides learn more about each regions’ Economic, for example, Assistant Professor of BA School of Business and Finance Janis Berzins will be hosting online lectures to students of Universidad Nacional de Rafaela in Ecomonics.  

 About Universidad Nacional de Rafaela

UNRaf was created in the city of Rafaela on December 3rd, 2014. Currently there are 2600 students studying at the University, Univiersity offers 18 Undergaduate Courses and 3 Master/Postgraduate courses. The University is located in Santa Fe, Argentina.

Universidad Nacional de Rafaela also has a Center of applied research: UNRaf Tec. It is a multidisciplinary space for research, development and innovation that centralizes, generates and offers resources and capacities for linking with the productive, governmental and civil society sectors based on science and technology. It has nine laboratories that bring together teams, resources and talents around different specialties. Currently there are 70 Research Projects in progress 

More about Universidad Nacional de Rafaela: 


Cover photo: Iguaçu Falls (Argentina)