Conference 2021
In our research the directions are sustainability, cooperation, innovation during the digital transformation
At the 14-th Annual Scientific Baltic Business Management Conference, ASBBMC, which took place on June 2, BA School of Business and Finance organized its’ panel discussion: “Collaboration, Digital Innovation and Sustainability” to discuss success stories and the results of the university’s work in a festive mood. , which we can be proud of. Rector of BASBF, assoc. professor Līga Peiseniece and vice-rector for research, infrastructure and business development Andris Natrins emphasized the importance of research in the study process and the goals and perspectives of BASBF as a scientific institution.
Research at BA was carried out in such directions as sustainability, green economy, financial technologies, financial literacy, finance and law, cyber security, taxation and health policy. The research core of BASBF is made up of 14 of the 40 lecturers of BASBF.
Andris Natrinns, BASBF vice-rector for research, infrastructure and business development issues:
I would like to emphasize the importance of research in the development of the university’s academic potential, as well as in the aspect of partnership, especially highlighting the fact that in recent years, internal grant projects initiated by the university itself, participation in the Latvian Science Council and international programs have created the prerequisites for the formation of increasingly strong research groups with noteworthy scientific performance. We see and appreciate that our university researchers prepare an increasing number of scientific publications every year, including in high-quality scientific publications, and the citation rate of university researchers also increases. Research, development and development projects in partnership with public and private sector companies and institutions are also important for our growth. However, it is no less important that a high-level research culture has been established at BA, which fascinates not only the academic staff, but also doctoral, master’s and bachelor’s level students – the next generation of researchers.
The agenda of the conference included reports in which researchers told about the results of various research projects, as well as about future plans. We are especially happy and proud of the currently implemented projects involving researchers and students of BASBF:
- Impact of LSC FARP COVID-19 on sustainable consumption behavior and circular economy (No. lsc-2020/2-0317),
- LSC FARP Quadruple Helix Concept (QHC) as a basis for the new generation PPP model (No. lsc-2020/1-0062),
- Erasmus+ “Knowledge Alliance of Business idea Assessment: Digital Approach” Project number: 612542-EPP-1-2019-1-LV-EPPKA2-KA,
- Erasmus+ “Inclusive Digital education – a Tool to Understand Circular Economy” Project number: No. 2020-1-LV01-KA226-HE-094519,
- Action programs of the European Union funds “Growth and employment” 1.1.1. of the specific support objective “Increase the research and innovative capacity of Latvian scientific institutions and the ability to attract external funding by investing in human resources and infrastructure” within the framework of the “Postdoctoral research support” project – “IDEJU VADĪBA”,,
- 1.1.2. research application “Open Innovation” No. of the “Postdoctoral research support” measure,
- Studies of the research grant project program of BA School of business and Finance 2020/1
One of the most impressive and thought-provoking reports was from LU researchers, Dr.iur., Prof. S. Osipova’s academic report “Limits of personal freedom in an emergency situation”.
The research projects of BASBF are implemented in close cooperation between higher education institutions and industry, as well as in the transfer of knowledge at the international level. The evaluation of the most exciting young scientists was received by the two researchers of BASBF with their post-doctoral studies – Ph.D. Didzis Rutitis and Ph.D. Elina Mikelsone, on the other hand, among the young researchers, PhD student Ilona Platonova was convincing. BASBF professor Kārlis Ketners shared his experience in the implementation of the National Research Program. deserves special recognition. Ekaterina Kuzmina and lecturer, Ph.D. candidate Inga Uvarova, who demonstrated successful cooperation with students. Lāsma Zaikovska and Dagnija Roga, students of BASBF, also presented their research results at this conference.
BA School of Business and Finance is implementing the KA2 Knowledge Association project of the European Union Erasmus+ program, the aim of which is to develop a new, innovative tool (based on artificial intelligence) that would automatically provide business starters with support in evaluating a business idea and business plan, as well as provide recommendations for further actions. In the report “KABADA project – Business Plan/Idea development and assessment with AI touch“, Associate Professor Janis Hermanis talked about the first results, about how the development of this tool is based on research.
The project “LSC FARP “The impact of COVID-19 on sustainable consumption behavior and the circular economy” (No. lsc-2020/2-0317) was represented with a wide range of reports, which was represented by colleagues from the Latvian Academy of Sports and Pedagogy, the University of Liepaja and BA School of Business and Finance, with the following messages:
- “The role of physical activities and the choice of learning methods for generation z in the context of COVID-19”,
- “A path from a general systems theory approach to a circular economy concept”,
- “Financial sustainability by increasing financial literacy during COVID-19”,
- “Cybersecurity Risks and Challenges in Remote Work During the COVID-19 Pandemic,”
- “The Impact of COVID-19 on Industrial Consumer Behavior and Motivation.”
BASBF graduate Natālija Cudečka – Puriņa, in her report “The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Implementation of the Circular Economy in the European Union”, successfully combined the work in the two projects of BA School of Business and Finance Erasmus+ “Inclusive Digital Education – a Tool to Understand Circular Economy” and the LSC FARP Quadruple Helix concept (QHC) as basis for the new generation PPP model.
The agenda included reports reflecting the results of cooperation together with colleagues from Greece, Portugal, Lithuania and Ukraine. Reports were heard on several areas of sustainable consumption, including areas such as digitization and mitigation of cyber security risks, “green” behavior and circular economy, health and physical activity, sustainable finance. The Covid-19 pandemic has shaped the socio-economic transformation towards sustainability, prioritizing ecology, social welfare, financial sustainability, health and physical security. Loss of income, investment strategies, digitization, limited mobility and savings have also affected consumer attitudes and behaviour, changing shopping and consumption habits. On the other hand, social distancing has profound positive effects on our physical, mental and emotional well-being, encouraging people to interact with nature. This can be used as a good basis to further promote household and human habits that contribute to the environment, becoming a habit and contributing to the health of our people. The Covid-19 pandemic has shown that it is necessary to provide solutions for citizens and companies to learn economic management skills, digitize documents and processes, make environmentally friendly choices, follow ICT progress trends.
The participants of the conference appreciated the modern digital platform of the conference with pleasure and pride, and we are now starting to prepare for next year’s conference to once again inform the public about the actualities of our research.