Conference 2020
13th Annual Scientific Baltic Business Management Conference ASBBMC 2020
“Business and Finance: multiperspectives of the Digital Age”
19 – 20 February, 2020
We are living in a digital age. Digital processes have penetrated in all areas of today’s society, creating a new agenda for businesses and organizations, both in the context of day-to-day processes and strategic planning. This justifies the need for practitioners and academics to focus on the analysis of the phenomena and the establishment of well-founded approaches that will allow organizations to make strategic decisions more precisely, develop new business models, or adapt traditional value propositions to the new conditions. Of course, the dynamics and scale of digital processes relate to a series of new challenges, including protecting the benefits of successful digitalization from cyber-security risks.
This exposure argues the scope and ambition of ASBBMC – the conference provides an excellent opportunity for the academic and business communities to share cutting-edge research in all areas of management, business, finance, entrepreneurship, innovations, technology, and related fields. This conference aims at bringing together researchers, faculty, professionals, doctoral students to exchange and share their experiences, ideas, and research results to predict future opportunities and discuss practical challenges and their solutions.
The conference is held every year, making it an ideal platform for strategic international networking and the perfect place to present your research results, innovations and projects in various areas.
This year, conference organizers are offering some innovations, including the capabilities of poster presentations (in the digital form) and the use of conference sessions as a platform for international research groups or for research and professional knowledge transfer cooperation projects.
Call for Participation (PDF file attached)
Conference programme (PDF file attached)
Conference as a Platform “Cybersecurity by Design” programme (PDF file attached)