Waste as resources in Latvia – Promotion of regional sustainability and circulation by introducing the concept of using waste as resources
The project “Waste as resources in Latvia – Promotion of regional sustainability and circulation by introducing the concept of using waste as resources” (LIFE20 IPE/LV/000014, LIFE Waste To Resources IP.
Project Description: BA School of Business and Finance will develop research on construction waste management (activity A2.2) and, based on the developed research, will offer a solution for changing the settings of the BUV industry (activity C2.2) in accordance with the LIFE project regarding A2.2. and C2.2. for activities intended for activities.
The project is implemented in accordance with Agreement No. L-22/0220 on joint cooperation in the field of research and innovation.
Project funding: EUR 100,000 (one hundred thousand euros).
Project implementation period: 2022-2024 y.
Cooperation partner: LLC “Clean R”
Project manager: Dzintra Atstaja