The impact of COVID-19 on sustainable consumption behavior and the circular economy
Project number: No. lsc-2020/2-0317
field of specialization: Social and humanities fields with horizontal impact in RIS3
Type of research: Fundamental research
science sector in accordance with the Cabinet of Minister’s regulations of January 23, 2018, no. 49 “Regulations on branches and sub-sectors of Latvian science: Economics and Business (Primary sector)
The priority direction in science, according to the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of December 13, 2017, no. 746 “On priority directions in science 2018-2021 – Knowledge culture and innovations for economic sustainability
Justification: The development of information and communication technologies contributes to the sustainable development of society. The Covid-19 pandemic has proven that citizens and entrepreneurs need help to learn thrifty management skills, digitize documents and processes, make environmentally friendly choices, and follow world trends made possible by scientific and technical progress.
The aim of the project is to create the theoretical and practical basis for creating a scientifically based change in thinking and attitude.
Based on the newest scientific knowledge and international experience, in the course of the project, it is planned to create a digital platform that would promote the training of SME and residents in such areas as:
– financial literacy,
– thrifty management,
– scientific organization of work, labour rights and protection,
– environmentally friendly choice,
– healthy lifestyle, exercise at work, rehabilitation,
– Zero waste, waste sorting and volume reduction,
– smart shopping, Green procurement, labour rights,
– digitization, remote communication and means of communication,
– cyber security, document security in the digital environment.
A scientifically based digital educational environment will stimulate Latvia’s economic growth and industrial competitiveness, mitigating the consequences caused by Covid-19 and preparing for possible similar crises in the future.
Project submitter: BA School of Business and Finance
Cooperation partners: Latvian Academy of Sports Pedagogy, University of Liepaja
Project manager: Inese Mavlutova
Project implementation time: 13 months (December 1, 2020 – December 31, 2021)
Total financing of the project: 100389 EUR