Mobility documents
All BA School of Business and Finance full time international students are eligible for Erasmus+ studies. Each student may use up to 12 months at Erasmus+ together for studies and traineeship in each study level (Bachelor, Master, Doctor) and unlimited number of times. Minimum period for exchange studies is 3 months.
All Erasmus+ documents- before mobility documents, during mobility documents and after mobility documents may be submitted at International Office or scanned and sent via e-mail. Only Grant Agreement for Erasmus+ Studies has to be signed in present at International Office. Document submission and consultations on Erasmus+ Programme available at BA School of Business and Finance International Office, Room 507 (5th floor),
Before Exchange studies:
- Before going on Erasmus+ studies, students must prepare a Learning Agreement BEFORE Mobility filling in the application with all information required. Learning Agreement for Studies Before Mobility is valid and can be submitted to International Office only when all three signatures are acquired: student, student’s study program director and receiving university.
- Student has to send exact mobility period – to International Office e-mail. For students who are participating at Erasmus+ Programme for second and more times we highly recommend to consult at International Office about the mobility period. Studies start and end date must be a working day.
- Student has to buy insurance policy for whole mobility period. Insurance policy has to cover following risks: 1) health insurance, 2) civil liability, 3) accidents insurance and 4) repatriation. Insurance policy copy has to be handed in to Erasmus+ coordinator. Student can choose any insurance company or bank to buy insurance policy. Insurance policy has to be in Latvian or English language. Buying insurance policy from insurance company the amount for insurance policy may vary from 70.00 EUR till 120.00 EUR per semester, depending on the mobility country and the number of mobility days. Insurance policy period has to cover mobility period, the start and end dates of mobility has to be included in the insurance policy. Insurance period can be longer than mobility period, but not shorter.
- Online language assessment BEFORE mobility has to be undertaken by all Erasmus+ students. Student will receive a request to take the assessment in his/her e-mail given in the Erasmus+ application. Students must undertake a language assessment also after their mobility in order to measure their progress. Students who need to strengthen their language proficiency might be offered an online language course in the language of –work/local language during their mobility. The courses mainly consist of reading and listening exercises. During course students communicate with other participants and the teachers through an online learning platform. For more information about Online linguistic support read here.
- All Erasmus+ participants who are citizens of European Union, European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation, must apply for European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). The card can be obtained for free at the National Health Service Latvia (Riga, Cēsu Street 31, k-3, 6th entrance). The EHIC card confirms the rights of citizens to receive state-funded emergency and necessary healthcare services to the same extent that it has secured the country’s population.
- Erasmus+ 2021-2027 aims to support green transitions, which raises awareness of environmental issues. A new “green travel” initiative has been introduced. In order to receive support for green travel, “Green Travel Declaration of Honor” certifying the use of the green travel method must be submitted. The declaration must be added to other mobility documents before being invited to complete the OLS test. Green travel does not include flying and traveling by ferry, bus, carpooling and traveling by train is accepted.
After handing in all required documents and fulfilling all obligations before mobility students will be invited to International Office to sign Grant Agreement for Erasmus+ Studies. After signing the Grant Agreement for Erasmus+ Studies and before leaving to Erasmus+ studies student will receive 80% of European Commission funding and total amount of co-financing from Latvia state budget to the bank account given in application.
During Exchange studies:
In case any changes in the chosen study curriculum or study period appear, or in case of force majeure, the student must prepare a Learning Agreement for Studies DURING Mobility, clearly stating the changes. If the student changes the chosen study curriculum, Learning Agreement for Studies during Mobility must be prepared within a month after the start of the study semester. In case student wants to extend exchange studies and mobility period for one semester, a request can be made by the student at the latest one month before the end of the first semester. The changes must be confirmed electronically with the student’s Programme Director at BA School of Business and Finance. If there are no changes in the chosen study curriculum and study period (the student is not willing to stay for one more study semester at the receiving institution), the Learning Agreement for Studies during Mobility does not need to be handed in.
After Exchange studies:
After Erasmus+ studies student within one month has to hand in at BA School of Business and Finance International office (Room 507., following documents:
- Learning agreement for Studies AFTER mobility
- (Letter of Attendance vai Certificate) – document issued by receiving organization, certifying that student has been enrolled in ERASMUS+ programme. Document has to include mobility period (study period). Mobility period has to be the same as in Erasmus + funding agreements, signed by student.
- Online Erasmus+ student report (students will receive a request to fill in the report in their e-mails after the mobility ends).
- Online language assessment AFTER mobility (students will receive a request to take the assessment in their e-mails after the mobility ends).
Within five weeks of the publication of your results, your receiving university will send a Transcript of Records to you and to BA School of Business and Finance, showing your credits and grades achieved.
After handing in all required documents and fulfilling all after mobility obligations students will receive the remaining of European Commission funding.
Please keep in close contact with your Programme director regarding your courses when you are abroad. If you encounter any problems, it is important that you contact BA School of Business and Finance immediately.
Projects co- funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
All BA School of Business and Finance full time international students are eligible for Erasmus+ traineeship. Each student may use up to 12 months at Erasmus+ together traineeship and studies in each study level (Bachelor, Master, Doctor) and unlimited number of times. Students may apply for traineeship at any company in 28 European Union countries and non EU Programme Countries – Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey and former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Minimum period for exchange traineeship is 2 months.
Students may apply for traineeships during the study period or for recent graduate traineeships, which have to be carried out within the first 12 months after graduating BA School of Business and Finance (application and selection process must be done before graduation). Period of recent graduate traineeship in combination with the period spent on any of the Erasmus+ mobilities within the graduated study cycle in total cannot exceed 12 months (this applies to each study cycle separately). All Erasmus+ documents- before mobility documents, during mobility documents and after mobility documents may be submitted at International Office or scanned and sent via e-mail. Only Grant Agreement for Erasmus+ Traineeship has to be signed in present at International Office. Document submission and consultations on Erasmus+ Programme available at BA School of Business and Finance International Office, Room 507 (5th floor),
Before Traineeship:
- Before going on Erasmus+ traineeship, students must prepare a Learning Agreement for Traineeships BEFORE mobility filling in the application with all information required. Learning Agreement for Traineeship Before Mobility is valid and can be submitted to International Office only when all three signatures are acquired: student, receiving company/organization and student’s study program director or International Office signature, if you are going to recent alumni traineeship.
- Student has to send exact mobility period – to International Office e-mail. For students who are participating at Erasmus+ Programme for second and more times we highly recommend to consult at International Office about the mobility period. Traineeship start and end date must be a working day except if the traineeship company/organization works also on weekends.
- Student has to buy insurance policy for whole mobility period. Insurance policy has to cover following risks: 1) health insurance, 2) civil liability, 3) accidents insurance, including accidents at traineeship organization and 4) repatriation. Insurance policy copy has to be handed in to Erasmus+ coordinator. Student can choose any insurance company or bank to buy insurance policy. Insurance policy has to be in Latvian or English language. Buying insurance policy from insurance company the amount for insurance policy may vary from 70.00 EUR till 120.00 EUR per semester, depending on the mobility country and the number of mobility days. Insurance policy period has to cover mobility period, the start and end dates of mobility has to be included in the insurance policy. Insurance period can be longer than mobility period, but not shorter. When choosing the insurance policy programme, recent graduates should take into account that they do not have anymore the status of student. Therefore recent graduates should choose appropriate insurance policy programme.
- Online language assessment BEFORE mobility has to be undertaken by all Erasmus+ students. Student will receive a request to take the assessment in his/her e-mail given in the Erasmus+ application. Students must undertake a language assessment also after their mobility in order to measure their progress. Students who need to strengthen their language proficiency might be offered an online language course in the language of –work/local language during their mobility. The courses mainly consist of reading and listening exercises. During course students communicate with other participants and the teachers through an online learning platform. For more information about Online linguistic support read here.
- All Erasmus+ participants who are citizens of European Union, European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation, must apply for European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). The card can be obtained for free at the National Health Service Latvia (Riga, Cēsu Street 31, k-3, 6th entrance). The EHIC card confirms the rights of citizens to receive state-funded emergency and necessary healthcare services to the same extent that it has secured the country’s population.
- Erasmus+ 2021-2027 aims to support green transitions, which raises awareness of environmental issues. A new “green travel” initiative has been introduced. In order to receive support for green travel, “Green Travel Declaration of Honor” certifying the use of the green travel method must be submitted. The declaration must be added to other mobility documents before being invited to complete the OLS test. Green travel does not include flying and traveling by ferry, bus, carpooling and traveling by train is accepted.
After handing in all required documents and fulfilling all before mobility obligations students or recent alumni will be invited to International Office to sign Grant Agreement for Erasmus+ Traineeship. After signing the Grant Agreement for Erasmus+ Traineeship and before leaving to Erasmus+ traineeship student or recent alumni will receive 80% of European Commission funding and total amount of co-financing from Latvia state budget to the bank account given in application.
During Traineeship:
In case any changes in the proposed mobility programme or the mobility period appear, students or new alumni must prepare a Learning Agreement for Traineeship DURING Mobility, clearly stating the changes. This document must be prepared within the first month after starting the traineeship period abroad. The changes must be confirmed electronically with the student’s Programme Director at BA School of Business and Finance. After confirmation Learning Agreement for Traineeship DURING Mobility has to be sent to International Office. New alumni confirming changes only at receiving organization and International Office. Learning Agreement for Traineeship During Mobility is prepared only if there are changes.
After Traineeship:
After Erasmus+ traineeship student within one month has to hand in at BA School of Business and Finance International office following documents:
- Traineeship Certificate AFTER mobility (prepared by the partner company/organisation);
- Letter of Attendance or Certificate – document issued by receiving organization/ enterprise, certifying that student has been enrolled in ERASMUS+ programme. Document has to include mobility period (traineeship period) it has to has to be the same as in Erasmus + funding agreements, signed by student.
- Online Erasmus+ student report (students will receive a request to fill in the report in their e-mails after the mobility ends);
- Online language assessment AFTER mobility (students will receive a request to take the assessment in their e-mails after the mobility ends);
- Traineeship evaluation report (prepared by the partner company/organisation). For recent graduate traineeships traineeship evaluation report is not required.
After handing in all required documents and fulfilling all after mobility obligations students or recent alumni will receive the remaining of European Commission funding.
Projects co- funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.