Product development methods and process management in ICT companies with high growth potential and opportunities to use their experience in start-up companies of a similar profile in Latvia
Operational programme: Growth and employment
- the purpose of the specific support: To increase the research and innovative capacity of Latvian scientific institutions and the ability to attract external funding by investing in human resources and infrastructure
Project number: Project no.
The scientific goal of the research project is to develop a methodological basis for ICT start-ups in Latvia for developing and promoting innovative products with high growth potential in Latvian and foreign markets. The research will be implemented in the direction of Latvia’s smart strategy – growth in industries where products and services with high added value exist or can be created. ICT is such an industry. The research will be implemented within the framework of the “Modern ICT” priority of Latvia’s smart strategy, the field of specialization is Information and communication technologies.
Planned results of the research project: 1 creation of a researcher position and ensuring its sustainability; 3 scientific articles published; at least 2 popular scientific articles; attended at least 3 international conferences with presentations and exchange of experience in the scientific environment; active networking with ICT industry companies, start-ups with high growth potential, representatives of business accelerators and incubators; developed and approved the model for the development of innovative ICT products in the environment of Latvian start-ups, implementing knowledge transfer.
Total cost of the project: 122 655,39 EUR, incl.
- Financing of the European Regional Development Fund 104 257,08 EUR
- The relevant state budget funding is EUR 12 265,54
- Other financing resources EUR 6 132,77
Project implementation period: 36 months, from 2017 August 28 to August 27, 2020
Agreement between the State Education Development Agency and BASBF on European Union Fund project no. was signed on August 28, 2017.
Contact person: Andris Natrins
Current events
BA School of Business and Finance Scientific Council on 08.09.2020 examines and accepts the final scientific report of the postdoctoral research project “Product development methods and process management in ICT companies with high growth potential and the possibilities of using their experience in start-ups of a similar profile in Latvia” prepared and presented by researcher D. Rutitis regarding research application no. for the implementation results.
BASBFs’ Scientific Council 28.04.2020. examines the information provided by researcher D. Rutitis of the post-doctoral research project “Product development methods and process management in ICT companies with high growth potential and the possibilities of using their experience in start-up companies of a similar profile in Latvia” regarding research application no. implementation progress, and achieved results, as well as changes in the timetable.
Popular scientific review of the post-doctoral project no. implementation in the BASBF period 01.10.2019-30.03.2020.
In March 2020, the book “Fundamentals of Software Startups” about the environment of software startups, jointly created by the European startup research community “Software Startup Research Network” (SSRN), whose member is researcher Didzis Rūtītis, was published. This book includes a chapter “The Rise and Fall of a Database-as-a-Service Latvian Unicorn” developed as part of the researcher’s project, which is essentially a scientifically approved article with a case study about the technology company “Clusterpoint”, in which the researcher once worked as a marketing manager. Publication
BASBFs’ Scientific Council 05.11.2019. examines the information provided by researcher D. Rutitis of the post-doctoral research project “Product development methods and process management in ICT companies with high growth potential and the possibilities of using their experience in start-up companies of a similar profile in Latvia” regarding research application no. implementation progress and achieved results.
Popular scientific review of the post-doctoral project no. implementation in the BASBF period 01.04.2019-30.09.2019.
BASBFs’ Scientific Council 18.06.2019. examines the information provided by researcher D. Rutitis of the post-doctoral research project “Product development methods and process management in ICT companies with high growth potential and the possibilities of using their experience in start-up companies of a similar profile in Latvia” regarding research application no. implementation progress, actualities and interim results.
BASBFs’ Scientific Council 24.04.2019. examines the information provided by researcher D. Rutitis of the post-doctoral research project “Product development methods and process management in ICT companies with high growth potential and the possibilities of using their experience in start-up companies of a similar profile in Latvia” regarding research application no. implementation progress.
Popular scientific review of the post-doctoral project no. implementation at BASBF in the period 01.10.2018-31.03.2019.
BASBFs’ Scientific Council 20.03.2019 examines the mid-term scientific report of the post-doctoral research project “Product development methods and process management in ICT companies with high growth potential and the possibilities of using their experience in start-up companies of a similar profile in Latvia” on research application no. implementation progress and mid-term results.
Within the framework of the project, networking activities and exchange of experiences are carried out with representatives of the ICT industry and business environment of different countries
BASBFs’ Scientific Council 28.11.2018 examines the information provided by the researcher of the post-doctoral research project “Product development methods and process management in ICT companies with high growth potential and the possibilities of using their experience in start-up companies of a similar profile in Latvia” regarding research application no. implementation progress and results.
BASBFs’ Scientific Council 12.10.2018. examines the presentation prepared by the researcher D. Rūtītis of the post-doctoral research project “Product development methods and process management in ICT companies with high growth potential and the possibilities of using their experience in start-up companies of a similar profile in Latvia” on research application no. implementation progress.
Popular scientific review of the post-doctoral project no. implementation in the BA period 01.04.2018-30.09.2018.
As part of the post-doctoral project, the researcher speaks at a conference in Stuttgart
BASBFs’ Scientific Council 21.05.2018 examines the information provided by researcher D. Rutitis of the post-doctoral research project “Product development methods and process management in ICT companies with high growth potential and the possibilities of using their experience in start-up companies of a similar profile in Latvia” regarding research application no. implementation progress and planned results.
Post-doctoral project Activities implemented by the Ba School of Business and Finance.
Popular scientific review of the post-doctoral project no. implementation at BASBF in the period 29.08.2017-31.03.2018.
A seminar for teachers on the development of digital financial services in Latvia is held at BASBF.
A post-doctoral research project on ICT start-ups in Latvia has been launched at BASBF.