Quadruple Helix Concept (QHC) as a basis for the new generation PPP model
Project number: No. lsc-2020/1-0062
Area of specialization: Social sciences and humanities fields with horizontal impact RIS3
Type of research: Fundamental and applied research projects
Science sector in accordance with the Cabinet of Minister’s regulations of January 23, 2018, no. 49 “Regulations on branches and sub-sectors of Latvian science: Economics and Business (Primary sector)
Justification: The aim of the project is to create the theoretical and practical basis for the development of the legal framework of an innovative management model that will demonstrate effective management of public resources focused on the needs of society, focused on the perspective of the circular economy (hereafter – AE) not only at the global level but also at the macro level. in the meso and micro level business environment. In addition, the aim of the Research is to find new opportunities and start new AE initiatives, transforming them into interdisciplinary interaction between all sectors, thus creating prerequisites for economic sustainability in all sectors – both public and private.
Project manager: Dr. oec. Dzintra Atstāja
Website: QHC.ba.lv
Cooperation partner: Riga Stradins University
Project implementation time: 36 months (January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2023)
Total financing of the project: 300,000 EUR, i.e. see 112605 EUR for BA School of Business and Finance
Project description:
The aim of the research is to create the theoretical and practical basis for the next generation PPP (public-private partnership) model -S4P based on the Quadruple Helix concept (QHC) to provide public services or infrastructure more efficiently, using not only state or company but also public and scientific resources. This model will enhance existing ‘Public Private Partnership’ (3P) practices and encourage proactive community engagement to facilitate a more efficient and sustainable flow of resources for all parties involved. In the circular economy, which is a particularly topical issue at the moment, practice is gradually being introduced for the operation of cooperative models involving the public, such as the deposit system, and the sharing economy, where the public is as important a partner as business and public administration representatives. However, there is currently a lack of economically, practically and legally applicable methodology and tools for the implementation of the 4P cooperation model. This requires new management approaches, circular business model innovation (ABMI) and changes in public perception of its role in value creation, supply and accumulation. This project will bridge this gap by interdisciplinary combining 3P, ABMI and public engagement approach from legal, economic and business management practices, resulting in the building of know-how in building QHC-based collaborative models to promote sustainable development. Project duration: 36 months Project amount: EUR 300,000 Project partners: Riga Stradins University, BA School of Business and Finance.