JSC “BDO Latvia”


Company Name


JSC “BDO Latvia”

Website Reference



Type of Business Activity, Area


Assurance & Advisory, Tax and Accounting services.

Company Mission / Vision / Goals


BDO – about investments in Latvia! More companies, more well paid jobs and more money to Latvia!

What Company can offer to BA Students (Internship / Work)?


We are happy to offer you internship and / or entry level job positions in Assurance & Advisory, Tax and Accounting services.

What kind of students are you interested in (Business, Finance, Risk Management and Insurance, or other)?


We are interested to hire students studying / graduating from Finance and Accounting program studies as well as MBA/MFIN program students.
Which Departments you could offer Internship in? Assurance & Advisory, Tax and Accounting services.

What are Requirements for Students?


We are happy to collaborate with motivated and well skilled students.

Would you be considering to offer Internship Salary?


We said we decide case by case – it may depend on contribution level.

What are the trainees’ opportunities to continue to work in your Company and build their career?


We are keen to offer a job to interns who demonstrated excellent performance during internship.

Do you have BA students or Alumni currently working in your Company?


Yes, we do – in all our departments.

How can a student apply for internship / work?


Please send your CV to cv@bdo.lv



15 Kalku Street, Riga, LV-1050, Latvia

Phone: +371 6677 7800

E-mail: info@bdo.lv