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Erasmus+ Spain
Language : English
Jānis Liepiņš"Finance"
This is one of the most technically developed universities I have ever seen. The lecturers are very kind and helpful, many of them are very demanding towards their students., which is amazing. You have to take into account that some lectures might be read in Spanish, therefore you will have to learn Spanish language along side with your studies. I will always remember the time spent in Spain as a great adventure where I met new friends from all around the world, had nice lectures in a free atmosphere and Spanish language.
Monta Tirkovska"Innovation&Product Develop. in Business"
I spent my Erasmus+ study period of 4 months in Valencia, Spain. I will always remember this period of my life as the most fun and careless I’ve felt over my whole studies. Spain is a country in which you learn quickly not to stress about anything and simply relax.
Universidad Europea de Valencia states that international study environment and being close to the business word are their greatest values. These are indeed the values that I felt the most – the study groups are very international and the lecturers talk about real business situations. The ladder really helps understand the lectures more clearly.
I definitely advise everyone to try the Erasmus+ experience, because the amount of things you learn within one semester can be compared to several years at your home university, and not just academically speaking!