IT infrastructure
For learning the study course, the student is provided with a technically prepared computer equipped with the necessary computer programs, which is located in the computer classrooms and is the property of the BA School of Business and Finance.
In total, there are three computer classrooms at the BA School of Business and Finance. They are located in the building at Krišjāņa Valdemāra street 161. Each computer is connected to the local computer network and is used to work with the resources allocated for sharing on the local computer network, also with a personal folder for storing work, high-capacity network printing equipment and teaching information prepared by instructors. A personal electronic mailbox is opened for the student during his studies and an e-mail address ( is created on the local mail server, which can also be viewed outside the university’s computer network.
The computer is used outside of lectures in the BA reading room. During extra-lectures, it is possible to use the global network – the Internet for educational purposes, as well as prepare and print the necessary documents.
In order to obtain the status of a network user, the student must familiarize himself with the following regulatory documents and accept their content:
1) work safety rules for working with a computer,
2) rules for using computer classes.
The student can familiarize himself with these documents when starting the informatics study course during the 1st year or by visiting the Student Information Department (SID).
Suppose a student encounters problems with connecting to the computer network, access to shared information on the network, as well as other problem situations related to the computer or the programs installed on it. In that case, the local computer network administrator must be informed about this by writing to the e-mail address, or in person by coming to auditorium 503 on any working day.
Contact information:
Head of the Information Technology Department
Janis Innus
Phone: +371 29193490
Information systems administrator
Denis Mihailov
Phone: +371 26676066